25 April 14 By

The Best Time to Undertake Furniture Installation

An open concept office space with cream and red furniture and a large window on the back wall

Choosing the right time to begin a furniture installation project can be critical to any company.  After all, furniture installation, depending upon the scope of the project, can require that all affected employees need alternative areas in which to work.  However, with a little planning, it can be practically and effectively handled.  The organization just has to take some proactive steps.

Step #1:  Determine the anticipated length of your furniture installation project

First, it’s important for a business to work with its partners to figure out how long the actual installation is estimated to take.  Knowing this estimated timeframe will make choosing the right time to install much easier.

Step #2:  Choose a time when workflow will be lighter, if possible

A company should avoid furniture installation during times of the year when it will be difficult for personnel to be disrupted.  For instance, a travel company whose busy season is January through March will probably want to avoid installing furniture during those months, if at all possible.

Step #3:  Find out if weekend installation is possible or feasible

Many organizations whose typical hours are Monday through Friday choose to have their installation projects undertaken, at least partially, over the weekend.  This can help avoid some business interruptions during the weekdays.

Step #4:  Break out the project into phases

If the project isn’t one that can be completed relatively quickly, breaking it out into phases is a wise solution.  This helps make the experience less daunting for staff.

Step #5:  Communicate with employees

No matter the size of the company, it can be wise to talk with several key workers to obtain their thoughts on when a furniture installation makes sense.  Ultimately, all persons who will be affected buy a furniture installation need to be advised that it will be happening.

Above all else, strategic planning of when to undertake furniture installation will make the whole experience better for every person in an office, as well as customers and vendors.

If you are planning a furniture installation project, consider making Choice one of your preferred partners.

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