28 October 16 By

Making Sure Your Conference Room Furniture Installation is Ready for the Future… On a Budget

A long conference room table with chairs on either side.

Previously, we showed you highlights from the conference room of the future. While the conference room we presented is the ideal room to have, and a great goal for any business to strive for to help them launch into the cutting edge of conferencing technology, we realize that not all businesses can afford to be quite on the edge of the cutting edge.

However, just because you don’t have the latest and greatest doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t adapt to accommodate the remote-collaboration-heavy meetings of the future. That’s why this week we present to you some more frugal ways to adapt to the changing world of collaboration with your conference room furniture installation.

The (Inexpensive) Conference Room of Tomorrow

The ideal conference room should always include technologies that cater to digital conferencing, integrated with your furniture installation. If the latest and greatest aren’t in the budget, however, there are still inexpensive alternatives that allow your conference room many of the same benefits of a fully decked-out digital conferencing suite:

  • Power For All: Your conference room is going to need outlets. Mobile devices are fast becoming an absolute necessity, and one dead battery can potentially ruin an entire meeting. However, with strategic use of extension cords and power bars, you can artificially extend your conference room’s power capabilities without having to make any significant renovations. Just remember that loose cords running across the floor can be major tripping hazards if not used with a cord cover, so it’s worth being careful with the furniture installation.

  • A Dedicated Computer: Know your requirements. Many presentation and basic teleconferencing applications will function on an older computer, allowing you to utilize a second-hand system. While it might be slower to boot, a somewhat decent system should be able to handle the programs you need to run.

  • High Definition Display: …isn’t always necessary. Depending upon the nature of your business, a standard-definition projector might serve just as well. In this case, the most important consideration is legibility; the display must be large and clear enough to be read from every seat in the conference room.

  • Integrated Multimedia: While speakers and microphones are important components of teleconferencing, they don’t necessarily need to be fully integrated into your room furniture. Installing a set of average-quality speakers can suffice in allowing an entire room to listen to a remote presentation, and can be muted when broadcasting to avoid echo. As for microphones, many meeting structures only require one speaker to be broadcast, so allowing the presenter to wear a headset could be considerably less costly than outfitting the entire room with microphones.

  • Telephone Support: It’s always a good idea to have a telephone installed in your conference room—but it’s not always necessary for that telephone to be a high-end system. Often a standard desk phone with a dedicated line will serve your needs just fine.

Upgrade Today

Having a limited budget is no excuse for outdated conference room technology. Whether you’re springing for the high-end suite or settling for the inexpensive alternative, call us today. We’ll see that your new furniture installation goes smoothly and that the old systems are removed without damage.

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